- Medicaid in Arizona is called AHCCCS – this is “managed care” (HMO), not true insurance
- Very limited choices of doctors for AHCCCS patients – few doctors sign up because of major hassles with paperwork and poor payments for services
- AHCCCS patients lose the right to pay for doctor or treatments they choose
- Potentially life-threatening delays in treatment since few doctors on AHCCCS
- Risks with less optimal care: restricted medicine options on formularies, fewer new drugs and procedures allowed, limited treatment options for serious illnesses
- Big money paid to managed care bureaucrats – taxpayers foot the bill for huge cost, but money is NOT used for medical care for patients!
- Big cost to taxpayer for “free medical care,” people use MORE because they think it is “free.”
- Obamacare rules greatly increase number of eligible patients – more cost!
- Bait and switch: “free” federal money at first, when that stops, state taxpayers have to foot the bill. Will bankrupt our state!